Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Swat emerged in 1992. This was conjoined with BISE Peshawar. After the load of students increased the board was meant to be established.
Although BISE Swat was recognized but its working was slow and it looked a bit tedious this was mainly because of the environment Swat was at that time.
After the clearance of unwanted authorities in the region BISE Swat showed pumped progress and recovered in no time. B.I.S.E Saidu Sharif Swat is a public sector autonomous organization under the auspices of Provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for conduct of Examinations and award of Certificates at Matric and Intermediate Level.
It is an autonomous public sector education board under the support of Provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the direction of Examinations and grant of Certificates at Primary, Middle Matric, and Intermediate Level.
BISE Swat is now working as an independent organization and providing high quality standards of education as well as examination for Pakistan. The districts that come under the wing if BISE Swat are Shangla, Buner, and Swat District itself.
These districts include all the side regions and tribes that are counted as minorities in Pakistan but nevertheless BISE Swat has offered affordable and reliable education to these areas also. This has been proven best for various talents to emerge. The examination curriculum is that of all the boards including 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, ICOM, ICS, FSC, and FA. Annual exams are held and conducted under the supervision and responsibility of BISE Swat.
The entire timetable is scheduled by the Swat Board like examinations and results. The Swat Board sorts out its verified approaches in an extremely indulgent manner. Swat board deals with every single issue which is related to the students.
Results are announced on the official website of the board that is Results are usually announced two to three months after the exams. These results are announced on the site from which students can easily view. Other than result there is a lot more the website has to offer including past results, past and sample papers, notifications, certificates application etc.
the website is user friendly and detailed information is provided on it. The Test marking is based on Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) technology. The marked paper is read by the machine, and the paper is marked subsequently. This is an innovative and smart way that was introduced. This eradicates the possibility of human error in marking making the results completely fair, indiscriminate and transparent.
Extracurricular activities and sport events are hosted by BISE Swat. These events are used to deviate students towards a new method for learning and balancing their time. Social events are withheld for community work. Peaceful rallies are taken out for international and national crisis.
Candidates who perform outstanding in the examinations are rewarded and appreciated. A proper ceremony is conducted to appreciate these shining stars on a public level. On the whole, all educational, examinational and affairs of Swat and its jurisdiction are managed by Swat Board. Further information regarding the Swat Board can be discovered on this page.
BISE Swat Result 2022
BISE Swat 9th Class Result 2022 | BISE Swat 10th Class Result 2022 | BISE Swat 11th Class Result 2022 | BISE Swat 12th Class Result 2022 |