BISE Sargodha 9th Class Result

BISE Sargodha 9th Class result 2022 is expected to be announced in September but the exact result declaration date is not known yet.

Every year Bise Sargodha board’s 9th class result used to be announced in the mid of August but this year due to the delay in the examinations the result is also delayed by the Sargodha board.

BISE Sargodha 9th Class Result

The result will be announced 3 to 4 months after the examinations are conducted. The Ministry of Education has delayed the examinations of Matric SSC Part 1 and Part 2 so that students who could not attend online classes can get some extra time to prepare for their exams.

Exams will be conducted from candidates of all districts which come under the jurisdiction of Sargodha Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education such as Mianwali, Bhakkar, Khushab.

Bise Sargodha is planning to conduct SSC Part 1 exams in June and it will take three to four months for paper checking and compiling results of thousands of students.

We will keep you updated with the latest information from the Bise Sargodha regarding exams and Sargodha SSC Part 1 result as well.


9th Class Result 2022 Sargodha Board Announced Date

9th Class Result 2022 Sargodha Board will be announced in September. The exact date will be shared soon on this page.

BISE Sargodha 9th Class Result 2022

BISE Sargodha 9th class result 2022 will be announced in September for all educational boards of Punjab including BISE Sargodha board.

The exact date for the 9th class result 2022 is not known yet as it will be released only before the declaration of the result but for now, we just know the expected date for the result.

We will provide you if there is any official information available from the Bise Sargodha board. We publish only verified information from official sources and do not provide unverified or fake updates.

So please bookmark this page and visit it from time to time to get the latest updates regarding 9th class result 2022. 9th result Bise Sargodha and other matric class results will be announced in September this year and it will be available on this page as well once the result online is announced.

Students of the Bise Sargodha board should increase their chances of landing on a scholarship in the future for their college and university degrees. Colleges around the country provide free admission to bright students and universities also count a fraction of your matric marks to compile merit lists for admission and scholarships.

So, this is a golden chance for you to perform well in your examination and get better marks in your Bise Sargodha 9th class result 2022. If you use this time and learn from the online study website and take the online test then it will improve your preparation for the exams.

You should also consult with your teachers about the preparation for your 9th class examination.

How to check BISE Sargodha 9th class result:

There are three main methods to check your Bise Sargodha board 9th class result 2022. You can use any of the 3 methods to check your result. All these 3 methods are listed below and we will discuss all these methods to check which method is best for you. You can use your roll number to check your Bise Sargodha board 9th class result 2022 and you can also check your Bise Sargodha board 9th class result 2022 without your roll numbers.

  1. By SMS
  2. By Our Website
  3. By Result Gazette

Now we will discuss all these 3 methods one by one to check which method is best for you to obtain your Bise Sargodha board 9th class result 2022.


The first method to obtain your BISE Sargodha SSC Part 1 result is to obtain it through SMS. You can send your roll number issued by the board of intermediate and secondary education Sargodha to board number and you will receive an SMS with your marks. This method is best when you do not have access to the internet for any reason although you can not obtain your result in detail by this method.

By Our Website:

The best method to obtain your SSC Part 1 result is to check it through our website. We will add a section on this page where you can obtain Bise Sargodha 9th result by entering your roll number. Our website is hosted on a heavy server so it does not go offline when thousands of students of 9th class from the board of intermediate and secondary education Sargodha. If you want to obtain your result in detail then there is no other method other than our website to obtain your result.

By Result Gazette:

You can also check the Sargodha board of intermediate and secondary education or the Bise Sargodha 9th result Sargodha board without your roll number. This method to check your result is best when you want to check your result without your roll no. You can check the Matric class results of part 1 and part 2 of the board of education Bise Sargodha. The result Gazette is a pdf file which contains the name of every student who appeared in the annual examination and their marks. It is a little time taking process to check by this method but you can save time if you have a PC. Just open that pdf file on your PC and press Ctrl+F and a search box will open. You can enter your name in the search box and it will highlight your marks.

9th Boards
Punjab Boards
BISE LahoreBISE GujranwalaBISE Faisalabad
BISE SargodhaBISE RawalpindiBISE Bahawalpur
BISE MultanBISE SahiwalBISE DG Khan
BISE Federal
Sindh Boards
BSEK KarachiBISE SukkurBISE Hyderabad
BISE LarkanaBISE MirpurkhasBISE Aga Khan
KPK Boards
BISE SwatBISE AbbottabadBISE Peshawar
BISE BannuBISE MalakandBISE Mardan
Balochistan Boards