BISE Aga Khan 9th Class Result

BISE Aga Khan 9th Class Result will be announced in September 2022.

BISE Aga Khan University Examination Board 9th class result was supposed to be announced in August 2022 but due to the delay in the examinations, the result is also delayed.

BISE Aga khan 9th Class Result

Aga Khan board 9th class examinations are expected to be held in June and the result will be declared after 3 to 4 months of the examinations. Last year BISE Aga Khan 9th class examinations were cancelled but this year examinations are going to be held and SOPs to conduct examinations will be issued by the ministry of education.

The BISE Aga Khan board has also reduced the syllabus for 9th class annual examinations so that students do not feel any burden of exams and they can prepare for their exams easily.


9th Class Result 2022 Aga Khan Announced Date

9th Class Result 2022 Aga Khan Announced date has not been finalized yet, but it will be in September 2022.

Aga Khan University Examination Board SSC Part 1 Result

BISE Aga Khan SSC Part 1 Result 2022 will be announced in September, 2022.

So, bookmark this page to visit it later to get the latest news regarding BISE Aga Khan SSC Part 1 Result 2022.

Aga Khan University Examination Board used to announce the Matric SSC Part 1 result in the mid of August but this time due to the delay in the exams the result has also been delayed.

We will add a section on this page to check your Aga Khan University Examination board result ninth class. You will be able to check your result by entering your roll number. BISE Aga Khan Board will issue you the roll number before annual examination which can be used to check your result once the result is announced.

BISE Aga Khan Board 9th Class Result 2022

9th Class Result Aga Khan Board will be announced online in September, 2022.

9th Class Result Aga Khan Board is expected to be out after three or four months of examinations.

We will provide you the latest updates regarding BISE Aga Khan board 9th class result 2022 on this page.

All educational groups such as Science Group, Arts Group, Humanities Group, Biology Group, Computer Science group would be able to check bise aku eb 9th class result 2022 through this website.

In 2020 the annual exams of 9th class of BISE Agha Khan were cancelled and the students of 9th class were promoted to the next class without conducting the examinations. But this time this is not the case, every student will have to pass the exam this year to get promoted to the next class.

The BISE Aga Khan result will be announced online by all the Sindh boards and you will be able to check it online. The BISE Aga Khan 9th class date sheet will be available in March for all the boards.

The Aga Khan board of intermediate and secondary education will issue the schedule for conducting examinations this year soon and the exact date of the result will be announced after two months of the examinations.

How to check BISE Aga Khan 9th Result 2022

There are three ways to check your 9th Result Aga Khan board and all other Sindh boards.

You can check your matric SSC part 1 result with your roll number and without your roll number as well. Both the regular students and private students will get their roll no slips near examinations.

The private students will get their roll no slip on their home address and the regular student can get their roll no slip from their schools.

All the 3 methods to check your Matric SSC part 1 result 2022 are listed below.

  1. By Our Website
  2. By SMS
  3. By Result Gazette

You probably know all these 3 methods to check your BISE Aga Khan result before.

9th Boards
Punjab Boards
BISE LahoreBISE GujranwalaBISE Faisalabad
BISE SargodhaBISE RawalpindiBISE Bahawalpur
BISE MultanBISE SahiwalBISE DG Khan
BISE Federal
Sindh Boards
BSEK KarachiBISE SukkurBISE Hyderabad
BISE LarkanaBISE MirpurkhasBISE Aga Khan
KPK Boards
BISE SwatBISE AbbottabadBISE Peshawar
BISE BannuBISE MalakandBISE Mardan
Balochistan Boards